Samhain / Samaín (Celtic Connections)

 6th A students made this mural to study the Celtic traditions, the Celtic calendar and the Celtic connections among the Celtic nations... and celebrate Samhain /Samaín.

These traditions date back to the Celts. 2000 years ago, on November 1st, the Celts celebrated the start of winter and the new year. The last night of October was special. It was called Samhain (end of summer). They celebrated a big party, with lots of food, dancing and singing. It was a goodbye party for the sun and the light; in Winter the days were short and cold.
But it was a party for the dead. On that night, the spirit of the dead could come back for a visit.  People carried pumpkin or vegetable lamps to frighten bad spirits.
In year 835 the Christian church made November 1st a churchiest holiday to honor all the saints. This was called "All Saints Day"- The Halloween celebrated today in the USA and other countries includes the influence of the Celt celebration of Samhain and the Christian celebration of All Saints.


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